Seller & Buyer Policy

The Seller & Buyer Policy from the BillMade. Online E-Commerce Marketplace Website (hereinafter referred to as BillMade Marketplace), outlines the following key points:

  • Legal Compliance: Both sellers and buyers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to those related to taxes, product safety, and data protection.
  • Product Listings: Sellers must accurately and truthfully describe their products and must not engage in false or misleading advertising. Buyers must review product listings carefully and must not rely on false or misleading information.
  • Pricing: Sellers must set fair and competitive prices for their products and must not engage in price gouging or other unfair pricing practices. Buyers must review prices carefully and must not overpay for products.
  • Shipping & Delivery: Sellers must promptly ship products to customers and must accurately disclose shipping times and costs. Buyers must review shipping information carefully and must allow sufficient time for delivery.
  • Customer Service: Both sellers and buyers must provide prompt and courteous customer service and must address customer concerns in a timely and professional manner.
  • Payment Processing: Sellers must accept payment through the payment methods specified by BillMade Marketplace and must promptly process and ship orders once payment has been received. Buyers must make payments promptly and must not engage in chargeback fraud or other payment-related abuses.
  • Intellectual Property: Both sellers and buyers must respect the intellectual property rights of others and must not list or purchase products that infringe on the intellectual property rights of others.
  • User-Generated Content: Both sellers and buyers must not engage in any activity that would compromise the security of the website or that would interfere with the rights of other users.
  • Termination of Agreement: BillMade Marketplace reserves the right to terminate the agreement with a seller or buyer at any time if the seller or buyer breaches these policies or any other terms and conditions of the agreement.
By using the BillMade Marketplace, both sellers and buyers agree to be bound by the Seller & Buyer Policy as outlined above. If either party has any questions or concerns about this policy, they should contact BillMade.Online.
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