Rules of Engagement

• Rules of Engagement for Seller

  • The store owners are responsible for the accuracy of product information entered into the platform.
  • The transactions made on the platform, are strictly between the store owner and the Buyer.
  • The Shipment, and refund made on the platform, are to be done by the Store owners.
  • BillMade Marketplace is maintained by Saturo Technologies Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as Saturo). It’s functioning, User interface and Themes are controlled by Saturo
  • The site traffic is optimized, maintained, and managed by Saturo.
  • The store owners are responsible for the pricing of their products, and their related charges, eg taxes, shipping costs, packing costs, or any other charges.
  • The store owners should comply with the marketing and advertising guidelines of Saturo.
  • The store owners should not be using the platform for selling items, which are prohibited by the law.
  • The store owners are responsible for maintaining the inventory levels of the products displayed on the platform.
  • “The store owners are expected to provide prompt service to the customers, who have purchased the products or are interested in purchasing them. “
  • The store owners are expected to be honest and transparent in business practices.
  • The Store Owners should protect customer data and their information.
  • Maintaining customer satisfaction is the responsibility of the Store owners.
  • Store Owners are expected to continuously improve the product quality and services.
  • Every Product Requires an Image
The sellers should not make any false promises or claims about their products or services.

• Rules of Engagement for Buyer

  • The customer’s login in the stores created by owners at BillMade.Online.
  • The transactions of Purchases, Orders, and Payments are made from Customers to Store Owners Directly.
  • Payments are to be made separately for every Seller.
  • Verify the payment options, for the store where payment is being made.
  • Read the Product details, description, and dimensions properly before making the purchases.
  • Respect the site’s terms of use, including not engaging in fraudulent or illegal activities.
  • Report any suspicious activity or problems with a transaction to the BillMade.Online platform for resolution.
  • Leave feedback or ratings for the seller and their products to help others in their purchasing decisions.
  • Check the seller’s return policy: Know the terms and conditions of the return policy before making a purchase, including the time frame and requirements.
  • Consider shipping costs and delivery time: Make sure you understand the shipping costs and estimated delivery time for the product you want to buy.
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